Monday, February 16, 2009

why january is called january and july called july

January :- JANUARIUS - this month was dedicted to JANUS, the Roman God of doors. Janus had two faces, one looking back at the old year and the other looking forward to the new year.

February :- FEBRUARIUS - Februa was the Roman purification festival, which took place at this time of year.

March :- MARTIUS-from mars, the Roman god of war.

April :- APRILIS - from aperire,Latin for open,becoz plnts began to open during this month.

May :- MAIUS - probably comes from maia the Roman goddess of growth and increase.

June :- JUNIUS- either from a roman family name junius,which means young, or perhaps after the goddess juno.

july:- julius- after julius Caeser . this month was named in Caeser's honour by Mark Antony in 44 BC. Previously this month was called quintilis from the word quintus,five, as it was the fifth month in the roman calender

August :- AUGUSTS- named in 8 BC in honour of Empereor Augustus.

September :- SEPTEMBER- from septem, seven, becouse it was the seven month in the roman calender.

October :- OCTOBER-from Octo,eight (as in octopus which as eight legs),the eight month in roman calende .

November :-NOVEMBER- from novem,nine the ninth monthin the roman calender.

December :- DECEMBER- from decem,ten, the tenth month in the roman calender.

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